Wiipenmaker asks
15 years ago
does anyone know of a product that covers old chalkboard to make it a whiteboard. I have seen sticky whitepaper but can't find it anywhere
latest #11
scarter says
15 years ago
School specialty sells skins that will recover
Wiipenmaker says
15 years ago
☆ stacy 8/2013 says
15 years ago
My school did our whole school last year. You can call my secretary tomorrow. It's been pretty good:
☆ stacy 8/2013 says
15 years ago
Ellie Mills: 609-654-6723 Takes a day to do a whole school
congerjan says
15 years ago
Last year they came in and glued a white piece of what looked like paneling laminant to my chalk board. It ripples.
dmantz7 says
15 years ago
I second scarter. That is what my previous district used during a remodeling phase.
☆ stacy 8/2013 says
15 years ago
the laminate doesn't work as well as the adhesive roll. Seriously, call my secretary for details
Wiipenmaker says
15 years ago
OK thanks
15 years ago
"Melamine" is the masonite backed stuff you make wb's out of. About $12 for a 4x8 sheet at home improvement store.
Wiipenmaker says
15 years ago
looking for a selfadhesive thin sheet
Wiipenmaker says
15 years ago
just found: whiteboardinabox.com/
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