almostholymoly is
15 years ago
going to freeze karma while he is away. Better to lose 1 point than slip back for lack of connection.
latest #8
almostholymoly says
15 years ago
Rumour is that we may have wifi so we will be able to chime in from time to time - hopefully
almostholymoly says
15 years ago
and probably maar some responses :'-(
JlovesR says
15 years ago
have a great time
tinybear421 says
15 years ago
(wave)have a wonderful trip. Be safe. prayers
almostholymoly says
15 years ago
thanks - we need the break, especially the girls before all going to 'big' school together and lady of the house who is frazzled ...
almostholymoly says
15 years ago
"cabbaged", as she describes it :-(
tinybear421 says
15 years ago
tinybear421 says
15 years ago
behave yourself! :-P
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