GeorgeBing hates
16 years ago
ants. I just closed another episode of my war against them. I'm using chemical weapons.
latest #6
16 years ago
i scooted an ant along into the poison house to ensure he took the bait and brought it back to the clan and it worked! try it :-)
16 years ago
i scooted an ant along into the poison house to ensure he took the bait and brought it back to the clan and it worked! try it :-)
16 years ago
thought you'd try and shoot watermelons at them. Doesn't that work for everything?
GeorgeBing says
16 years ago
It seems watermelons have even more uses according to recent research... but to kill ants?
katglimmer says
16 years ago
someone has been listenign to the Broad Cast ...
16 years ago
I found the tiny hole they were using to get in... drilled the hole... applied insecticide through it... closed the hole... X-(
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