Ƃµɚɚʞ is
15 years ago
back in office spreading the virus.. (ninja)
latest #11
lagoon wonders
15 years ago
who is in TheOffice
Ƃµɚɚʞ says
15 years ago
mao, mic, kit and cat
lagoon says
15 years ago
веакее says
15 years ago
mic = meeker mao so who's the extra one??
веакее says
15 years ago
eek MEEKEE we meant
lagoon says
15 years ago
15 years ago
explains that mao in this context is HAIR. or FUR. TheHairyOne is in TheOffice. Spoilt our 1st view of the workspace this morning.
веакее asks
15 years ago
uh.. who ar?
littlegeo says
15 years ago
the one who schmewws. FTF's gimp.
веакее says
15 years ago
oh... he's stationed at TheOffice meh? (unsure)
littlegeo says
15 years ago
no but he comes in like a haunting ghost.
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