TechJunky asks
15 years ago
has anyone closed escrow recently? Was there a lot of delays? I feel like I'm getting the run around.
latest #11
jameelie says
15 years ago
My hubbyis an escrow officer at a title company and he says it is usually the lender that slows things down.
TechJunky says
15 years ago
the loan was pre-approved July 14th. I don't get it
jameelie says
15 years ago
What title company are you with?
TechJunky says
15 years ago
LandAmerica Lawyers Title of El Paso. The sellers picked them
jameelie says
15 years ago
Talk to the lender, there is apparently a difference between approved and "pre approved"
TechJunky says
15 years ago
they have an A+ BBB rating
TechJunky says
15 years ago
jameelie says
15 years ago
My husband Albert Dayoub says call him at 544-3322 if you need any advise. He's at Sierra Title.
TechJunky says
15 years ago
I have been promised news by tomorrow at noon, if not, I'll call your husband. Thanks!
jameelie says
15 years ago
He truly is happy to help, without any obligation.
☆ stacy 8/2013 says
15 years ago
there's always delays. Keep saving your'll need it
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