Kikiworld says
15 years ago
Strawberry white chocolate cake & coffee walnut muffin at Roubuchon are unbeatable :-)~~
latest #11
WuSeLi says
15 years ago
Fabulous~ :-), but HIGH calory :-(
嚕嚕白 says
15 years ago
WuSeLi says
15 years ago
對啊 我是James Bond~真是胖的>"< 不像你們兩位 是TANGUISIMO的門面 身材好 舞技好呀~
Kikiworld says
15 years ago
hahaha... yes .. high calories... and i've been eating lots of sweets today XD
Kikiworld says
15 years ago
no la... 喬叔 is tall... no worries la... I need to do more exercises indeed (LOL)
嚕嚕白 says
15 years ago
By the way,i practice English recently in order to talk with Eva.HAHA Eva is my Eng. Teacher
WuSeLi says
15 years ago
Wow~Fio, you're so diligent,i've gotta catch you up.
WuSeLi says
15 years ago
I need Eva to be my cantonese tutor~
Kikiworld says
15 years ago
haha... good arr... then i must learn local Taiwanese fr u guys!!
Kikiworld says
15 years ago
we are teachers of each other~~ :-D
WuSeLi says
15 years ago
no problem!
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