假如生意好,就会吸引大家进入抢生意, 几个月后就供应过量,生意一样艰难了
同事在大陆开服装店领教过了, 一旦生意好了,大量对手突然出现,结果大家一起亏本。
去大陆开店, 对手都是一家大小工作, 不用发工资,带货不雇用火车, 几个小妹拉大袋货物上巴士不停被骂,能够脸皮厚继续扯货物上车。 我的同事雇用几个人,送货雇用货车, 单是员工吃饭成本已经比对手工资成本高。无法生存。
scary de 大陆人...
而且雇用大陆员工往往大量库存被偷(保安人员配合), 自己一家人的家庭企业就不会这样。 万一生意好起来, 你的员工就离开,另外办公司,成为对手 ,专门拉走你的客户。
...those me heard from some uncle oso
of course professional la, company send me to china ma, salary increase 40% de
oversea company staffs work in china less than 183 days pay no tax in china, remember , dont spend 183 days in china, tax rate high
oh~ learn this~ new info 4 me
malaysia boss send you to china and hongkong﹐ u work less than 183 days in both hk and china﹐ u dont pay tax anywhere﹐cos u leave malaysia
i report tax in hk every year , never in china. if u work in shanghai, no way to leave everyweek, will exceed 183 days
ii worked in guangdong de, go back home everyweek
if u employed by china company, even working 1 day will report tax, cos u no longer foeigner on business trip, china deduct tax every month
dont worry, joint venture only report 20% of real salary,technically everyone in china can be capital punishment for tax evasion
or u simply ignore everything , working as black labor
cos all 广东 company do 来料加工, u dont appear in the org chart, org chart is all chinese no hk people,even registration is china people
they charge u for renting their names
they charge 0。25% of material cost for rent their company﹐also charge many fees﹐our company dont even exist in china﹐I AM TOURSIT ONLY
whole 广东 is like that, 2000 人 village can receive US$15M / yr , no one need to work, HK ppl work, 四川工人 work, 广东人 just take money
广东人 after taking money, use money to open 卡拉ok and massage parlor, everyman has 二奶,kids dont like study, play all time, in massage parlor
let yr hunsband go china, yr family is finish
really scary...
go ba go ba, better still
外省建筑工人 live in trash, dig a well, live like cocroach, have 40 yr old womon prepare food and serving SEX to wworker, woman get food only
forigner in上海 enjoy free sex cos women want to leave china, forigner boys dont return home stay in 上海 to teach english( very low income)
pyrimid society, outside ppl know about the top 0.5% , 60% ppl is poor, no money to cure sickness, but no famine anymore, great improvemnt
cos 60% is 农民户口, has no right to live work study welfare in cities, will never leave poverty, only work as 流动人口, called 民工, HEAVILY TAXED
police dont care about them, got raped, dont report cos police will rape her again
criminal in 广州 jail reported to have been gang raped by employee, employee caught, fined 人民币400元
tell me if u want to go there , whole country built on sacrifice of poor class
i wanted to live in china cos tv shew beautiful house good food inexpensive live, not anymore。 cos i worked there for yrs, seen many thing
mani facial 回来了
less than 0.5% of ppl enjoy life of going to facial in the morning and plurking in the afternoon, thats why i want to go malysia
I mean 0.5% of ppl in china
here os ba... go to facial in the morning and plurking in the afternoon de...
mami 真幸福