♫ Angel ♪ says
15 years ago
i was wet when i came back from school bcos of the treasure hunt..and my clothes were dirty!
latest #14
SzeTyng says
15 years ago
complain complain complain xD
♫ Angel ♪ says
15 years ago
♫ Angel ♪ says
15 years ago
but it was fun!
♫ Angel ♪ says
15 years ago
we ran in the rain! XD
Meister84 ♥ says
15 years ago
zzzz Do u knw the note u both tagged me to do give me a very bad reputation xD
SzeTyng says
15 years ago
♫ Angel ♪ says
15 years ago
Hamsy says
15 years ago
same here
♫ Angel ♪ says
15 years ago
im a good student but with occasional trouble ^^
Meister84 ♥ says
15 years ago
I am A VERY BAD Studetn
SzeTyng says
15 years ago
im a good student :-)
♫ Angel ♪ says
15 years ago
Meister84: ugh, i no dat...u drive without lesen
Meister84 ♥ says
15 years ago
Who say...
♫ Angel ♪ says
15 years ago
szetyng: dun berlagak la
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