Tasha needs
15 years ago
help desperately with my macbook; it won't load
latest #23
Tasha says
15 years ago
i put in a music cd to listen, and it opened itunes, and said there were updates available
Tasha says
15 years ago
so i let it do that, then it said it needed to restart, ao i said ok
Tasha says
15 years ago
most everything went away but a box that said it was downloading the updates
Tasha says
15 years ago
it just fr4oze like thst, so i pushed the power key to make it shut down
Tasha says
15 years ago
waited a few minutes then tried to start it back up
Tasha says
15 years ago
it keeps popping up w/a dark screen and a box in front that says:
Tasha says
15 years ago
You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power butt9on for sever4al secondes or press the Restart button.
Tasha says
15 years ago
but nothin ghappens, just comes back to that same screen. HELP!
Tasha says
15 years ago
seriously? i lost the whole converaqation
StevoFC says
15 years ago
try holding down shift during startup until the apple appears. it will go into a safe mode. might fix the problem itself
Tasha says
15 years ago
nope same thing!
15 years ago
Something in the interrupted updates hosed a critical system file. You can boot from your MacBook's original DVD and reinstall the OS—it
Άτροπος will
15 years ago
take a while and you will need enough room for it to move some files around (several GB on the hard drive).
15 years ago
You should also consider running Disk Utility (which you can reach from the Mac OS X Installer) to make sure your drive is OK.
15 years ago
If you have a Time Machine drive, I recommend backing all your files up to it as soon as you can. Then, if the updates cause
15 years ago
problems again, you can use Time Machine to restore more quickly.
15 years ago
(This all assumes you're using Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard.")
15 years ago
Finally—if all of this seems overwhelming, make an appointment and take your MacBook to the nearest Apple store. They'll help!
15 years ago
Tasha, I sent you a longish e-mail with more details. I hope it helps!
Tasha says
15 years ago
thanks so much. i'm trying to boot from the disc. tried first from original, and then reslized i probably need to go from leopard instead
Tasha says
15 years ago
going to attempt that, and if not working, i'll just erase and reinstall. i don't really have anything of importance on the hard drive NEway
15 years ago
Make sure to use Disk Utility to check the drive—it could be that it's starting to fail, in which case reinstalling will be a waste
15 years ago
of time. You can get MacBook drives replaced through various third parties these days.
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