You can type English here.
Sure! I can lead all of you to discuss in English.
wow! are u sure all of us have to discuss in english?
you have to develop this kind of ability.
It is a very good way to improve your English ability.
First, you have to set up a rule.
but what kind of topic are we going to chat about?
If someone who breaks the rule, the manager of the topic has to forbid him to type words here.
Rule No 1. English Only for the plurk
But who's the manager of the topic?
The one who starts the topic is the manager.
If he wants the plurk to be English only, he can state the rule on the topic.
Let teacher be the manager
We can start an English plurk every day.
We can name it "Plurk for English discussion."
and then i have a good reason for using the internetXDD
You can't use the reason to get online.
besides,i didn`t bring english textbook home.XDDD
Corn, you are not a good learner.
You should take high school English seriously.
will Sabina test us at the first day when the school begins?
not like the one teaching english in the fifth class
but i think she will!!! she always tests!!!
but i don`t know what she can test.
do you know what`s called HELL?
never did i said i was a good learner
can you count me into your English conversation ?