15 years ago
Flu Again...
latest #37
Joey.T says
15 years ago
larry, if he die, i'm gonna die too. so don't curse him.
AaronQ says
15 years ago
haha,i die,i drag u this bird along.hehe see joey mre nice.haha
Joey.T says
15 years ago
Aaron, i'm always good okays. :-) Take care. :-D:-D
Joey.T says
15 years ago
Larry, what wearing a mask only ?! I'm always good lah! Walaos (!)
Joey.T says
15 years ago
wahaha! too bad. but i saw it. :-D
Joey.T says
15 years ago
can't. i saw it in my own eyes. you're unlucky that i doesn't have double vision now.
Joey.T says
15 years ago
hahaha. can't. i'm gonna kill you real soon. :X:X
Joey.T says
15 years ago
hahaha. you think i'm gonna kill you ?! No. If i'm gonna kill you, than i'm nuts. I don't want to end up in jail
Joey.T says
15 years ago
yeahsyeahs. okays okays. i'm not so dumb.
Joey.T says
15 years ago
yeahs. But you gonna die from Aaron Khew tomorrow. :X Ooops.
Joey.T says
15 years ago
Ah! SHIT! Than i will kill you tomorrow then.
Joey.T says
15 years ago
oh no! Can't. Ermms, you treat me already, than i kill you. :-D
Joey.T says
15 years ago
If you want your life, than you have to treat me PINK DOLPHIN!
Joey.T says
15 years ago
Ermms, no. I promised you won't die.
Joey.T says
15 years ago
yeahs, than you have to treat me first.
Joey.T says
15 years ago
Yes. Okays. :-) Yay! Another saving of $1.10 for a drink for this coming Thursday. :-)
Joey.T says
15 years ago
Hahaha. I also cannot remember. But I remember it's on th school anni when we were playing our flute ensemble that time.
Joey.T says
15 years ago
yesyes. School Anni that day. Remember you and Junlin played guzheng outside your CO room ?
Joey.T says
15 years ago
Yeahs. I was there with my flute mates playing also mahr. So that was th time that you owed me one pink dolphin. :-D
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