annhandley asks
16 years ago
Have you joined the MarketingProfs LinkedIn group yet? We are 2 people away from 1,
latest #21
DaveWebb loves
16 years ago
that annhandley is Plurking! :-D
DebInBoston says
16 years ago
16 years ago
Why, yes I have! Congratuations on the rapid rush toward 1,000 members.
16 years ago
awesome, 1k already! joined yesterday :-)
annhandley says
16 years ago
Excellent. We were frozen temporarily this afternoon by LinkedIn because we were growing so fast.. very cool.
annhandley says
16 years ago
Now the challenge is -- what can we do together there? Be fun to figure it out!
annhandley says
16 years ago
(s_high_five) to davewebb!
annhandley says
16 years ago
lindazimmer = #1,000!!!! CONGRATS!
DaveWebb says
16 years ago
Wow, was sending email for approval & was already approved by the time I was done. Cool! I'm in.
annhandley says
16 years ago
So how would you guys like to see the group work here? What could we do for you?
DebInBoston says
16 years ago
woo hoo!
DaveWebb thinks
16 years ago
he needs to utilize LinkedIn more. Have kinda ignored it.
16 years ago
just joined :-)
annhandley says
16 years ago
thanks guys. Suggestions welcome for how best to use the group there.
DaveWebb says
16 years ago
I'll check it out further and offer some suggestions.
annhandley says
16 years ago
Great.. thanks davewebb!
MackCollier says
16 years ago
Ann is there something you could do with Mario where you guys both show us what we can do with the group?
16 years ago
I would *love* that. I'm always thinking that I underutilize LinkedIn.
banane says
16 years ago
annhandley says
16 years ago
Not sure - I'll check with Mario. Great idea, Mackeral.
DebInBoston says
16 years ago
that would be awesome Ann!
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