karencheng is
16 years ago
waiting for friends to arrive and share hot lamingtons. Mmmmmm. :-P
latest #7
craftapalooza says
16 years ago
oh stop it! that's just nasty! (s_tongue)
16 years ago
hey Karen - I loved your blog post from the other day - Life's Sweetest Word - I thought it was just beautiful.
karencheng says
16 years ago
hey thanks Krissy. Kind of you to say that.
rah asks
16 years ago
any lamington leftovers? ;-) we have leftover lamingtons in our office from world youth day and they're commercially-made and urgh
karencheng says
16 years ago
hmm, yeah there are lots of leftovers. are leftover lamingtons any good? maybe I can turn them into something else?
rah says
16 years ago
i guess cause they're sponge they don't last overly long, do they? i think you've just found your dinner, though ;-)
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