IantheFarshore wonders
15 years ago
if she's turning to the dark side... she's thinking about getting www.amazon.com/gp/produc...?
latest #6
Beq says
15 years ago
I found a really good online resource on quaternion math a long time back. I'll see if I can find the bookmark
P J says
15 years ago
he has learned something new today
Beq says
15 years ago
yep nowyou know why there are so many victorians in SL. They invented it :-)
15 years ago
The visualizations are what tempt me. I'm still at the stage where I can only do it intuitively if I'm drunk. (blush)
Beq says
15 years ago
you can get a lot of alcohol for that money
IantheFarshore says
15 years ago
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