mamacate is
16 years ago
trying to catch up on work after being out much of this week, but is really thinking about dyeing sock blanks this weekend.
latest #7
JulieS wants
16 years ago
to order some sock blanks at some point, they look fun
JessaLu hates
16 years ago
knitting with crinkly no sock blanks for me. ;-)
crazyfiberlady says
16 years ago
she doesn't dig crinkly yarn either
textilejunkie says
16 years ago
can't wait to try those blanks mysef
gibknits thinks
16 years ago
mamacate has her priorities in order. SOCK BLANKS. Mmmmm!! (woot)
cygnet thinks
16 years ago
the yarn will un-crinkle when rinsed in hot water?
FuchsiaLucia says
16 years ago
hi, Cate!
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