SandyKnits wonders
16 years ago
if I stop plurking, will my karma go all the way down to 0? (s_unsure)
latest #10
DarlingBoo says
16 years ago
I think so, but let's not try and find out, k? (K)
JulieS says
16 years ago
I bet mine will take a huge nosedive next week while we are on vacation :/
KrisCricket says
16 years ago
I have a friend whose karma is 1
JessaLu says
16 years ago
mine internet in the camper where we're staying on vacation
FuchsiaLucia says
16 years ago
ya know what? your karma will always be high with me. especially if you put me on the haikai list.
gibknits says
16 years ago
SANDY? You there? :-(
AlarmingFemale says
16 years ago
hi, Sandy! I'm not too crazy about teh Karma
mlochk22 says
16 years ago
not as much as you think if gone for a short while (like 1 week), but i guess if you stopped for good, it would be 0
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