status_girl wonders
16 years ago
do you like it when people post the *exact same* updates to all their SM accounts or do you prefer variety and differentiation? (g_thinking)
latest #24
status_girl says
16 years ago
for example... "Chris is going to bed" on twitter, FB, plurk and pownce all at once.
status_girl says
16 years ago
oops sorry, sm = social media :-)
mwilton13 says
16 years ago
I don't like it when it's every post, but on occasion it's ok. I know I have that problem sometimes when I have to use Ping
SearchBuzz thinks
16 years ago
SearchBuzz thinks
16 years ago
variety is the spice of life!
16 years ago
variety and differentiation. Sending updates to all SM accounts seems a bit of broadcasting no? Unless they don't use a couple accounts...
16 years ago
and just want their messages to go there anyway?
toddmintz says
16 years ago
same is good...ease of use.
jboeckman says
16 years ago
i try to do a vareity but I don't have the same friends on all sites so I post some across the board
status_girl says
16 years ago
hmmm interesting
status_girl says
16 years ago
I admit, I try to not post the same things because I know there are ppl who follow me on every network.
MarkDykeman says
16 years ago
doesn't bother me too much
chezbrown hates
16 years ago
chezbrown says
16 years ago
I usually only use Plurk. I might change my Facebook status once a week or so...
JMHebert says
16 years ago
Does not bother me, as it is hard sometime to be unique on all sites. Better than stop using some SM because it is to much trouble.
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