whoopwhoop5 is
16 years ago
saying hi to all the plurkers :-)
latest #14
whoopwhoop5 says
16 years ago
ello mate!
whoopwhoop5 says
16 years ago
its a way of saying hello
HalfAsstic says
16 years ago
What do you mean your "gettin off plurk"? I just got here!
whoopwhoop5 says
16 years ago
i meant i was going to play maplestory :-)
HalfAsstic says
16 years ago
that is fine. I can understand THAT! So, what's maplestory? Do I want to play too?
whoopwhoop5 says
16 years ago
maplestory is an MMORPG... its animated, and you probably dont wanna play...
HalfAsstic says
16 years ago
I might want to play if I saw it...who knows! I want to get a wii right now so bad.
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