15 years ago
do i hate videos cause i'm old? i mean seriously i don't get the point. I just like to listen to the music and don't get the point at all
latest #36
15 years ago
of watching a video
15 years ago
some of them are interesting but the vast majority are just the band singing with a pretty girl or in different locales and why bother?
Kavik says
15 years ago
One thing I hate about videos is all of the extra "acting" in them. Stopping the song for some voice-over or something is lame!
15 years ago
that i havent seen but it sounds like it would be more interesting than a shot of the band
15 years ago
the last video i saw that i really thought highly of was thriller
Kavik says
15 years ago
Well, I've seen good ones since then; but, the newer ones in the last few years with the "acting" not so good. :-P
isle says
15 years ago
I actually prefer music without the videos, I get my own mental picture, and it usually gets ruined if I see the vid.
15 years ago
Video killed the radio star. That's why you hate them. :-P
15 years ago
/whacks ron
15 years ago
me too isle
15 years ago
this is why i don't get the point
isle says
15 years ago
vegatative entertainment and advertising dollars.
15 years ago
but but.. ok this came up cause i read today that madonna will be selling her video on itunes. so clearly videos have passed beyond mere
15 years ago
15 years ago
I'll get hooked on a song I may not have payed attention to otherwise if the video rocks.
ronjohn shares
15 years ago
Video Killed the Radio Star :-D
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
15 years ago
In general, I have no issue with the concept of music videos. I like them. :-) What seems to be happening now is since the mainstream
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
15 years ago
recording industry is in shambles, there's basically no budget for music videos- especially since the traditional TV outlets like MTV don't
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
15 years ago
really show videos anymore. So now a lot of videos are boring because they don't have the creativity to come up with a good concept on a
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
15 years ago
small budget.
15 years ago
Julia Roberts totally ruined "Dreamgirl" by DMB for me. I can't hear the song without seeing her now, and I'm so jealous. :-( (angry)
Geaven says
15 years ago
i think some of the music videos from the 80s are really good but the newer ones are really bleh
Kat Alderson says
15 years ago
I'm with you, Vivianne!
15 years ago
my problem with a lot of music videos is that like books, I prefer the visuals in my head
15 years ago
agree. if there is a visual, and many times there's not, a video coudln't even come close to what i can imagine
15 years ago
I like videos that I like.
15 years ago
theres some amazing music videos out there, it can be, when done right an art form in itself, check Jamiroquai's Virtual Insanity
15 years ago
or The avalanches, When I met you
15 years ago
theres thousands of great ones
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