Grapeape says
15 years ago
ok i am on the market for a new cell phone , anyone have any suggestions?
latest #8
WebBetty 
15 years ago
iPhone :-)
senormetodo asks
15 years ago
who's your carrier?
senormetodo says
15 years ago
I'm a fan of Sony phones. Incredible battery life/technology and great call sound quality.
rebecca loves
15 years ago
her Blackberry
15 years ago
agrees with webbetty . just steal your gf's iPhone shmoe (haha)
Grapeape says
15 years ago
i have t-mobile at the moment , haven't decided if the iphone is worth the extra money per month for service
MissCaughtUp says
15 years ago
then get a Sony
MissCaughtUp says
15 years ago
Sony does have good sound quality and the camera supurb. especially since you don't want to pay extra for PDA service.
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