David Hess says
15 years ago
Breastfeeding male? Huh? Does anyone see a problem here? www.thelocal.se/21842.ht...
latest #16
FrCorySticha says
15 years ago
This is what happens when you minimize the differences between men and women to cultural influences.
15 years ago
and that article is written kinda creepy too
David Hess says
15 years ago
MsC: Hitting the nail again, MrsC
TheCarelessCat says
15 years ago
Sorry, but that guy is a freak-show. I wonder how much money he'll make by doing this *stunt*?
TheCarelessCat says
15 years ago
and I agree completely with FrCorySticha
15 years ago
Let's hope he doesn't try to do this at an airport.
JohnnyRay says
15 years ago
and it's not really going to work anyway!
David Hess says
15 years ago
Expand on that, Johnny. I think I understand what you're saying, but would like further thought.
15 years ago
I first heard about this idea in La Leche league twenty years ago as an emergency only idea, and even then I had a powerful aversion to the
15 years ago
notion. Even in the rare cases they cited that "worked" I think my feeling was that men shouldn't be doing that.
15 years ago
The whole creepfest in the article about "bonding" is just twisted and wrong.
15 years ago
For a male to bond with a child, there are differnt hormones, differentneeds, different social messages. Bonding is also social information
15 years ago
sharing, and THAT is a very uspide down bizarre message to send a child who's only cognizance of these matters is comfort and safety
15 years ago
What is the outcome when a child...ugh. Sorry. Can't finish that thought right now.
David Hess says
15 years ago
Oh, I get it, MrsC. If you feel like "tossing you cookies" on this, I understand. Your passion on the subject is most helpful though.
David Hess says
15 years ago
Where have "we" come from, and "whre have we arrived. Fr. has some insights on this.
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