16 years ago
found what was clogging a gutter at home... a tennis ball!
ColetteBenoir says
16 years ago
who put a tennis ball down the drain? I clogged the sink drain @ work with a strawberry the other day :-)
GeorgeBing says
16 years ago
It was inside a rain gutter 9ft up.. that gutter's been clogged for years... I guess the previous owners were tennis players
katglimmer says
16 years ago
are you sure it wasn't a water melon?
ColetteBenoir says
16 years ago
oops I need to learn to be a more attentive reader - I totally read "drain"
ColetteBenoir says
16 years ago
couldnt stop laughing about who might have shoved a tennis ball down the drain (I have plants in my gutters at the very top-not good)