plurkshop wants
16 years ago
you all to attend tonight's Plurkshop at 10 pm EDT / 7 pm PDT. "Second Life: The Value of Immersive Experience." Hosted by Connie.
latest #39
LChamp says
16 years ago
i hope to be in bed by that time...gotta catch up on my beauty sleep
seerysm says
16 years ago
oh my goodness - I am so tired today - but want to attend this!! Time for some rocket fuel!
16 years ago
this is so not interesting to me. Immersion = read a book and/or interact in real life.
16 years ago
OK, that was somewhat harsh. Apologies. I do think there's A LOT of wasted energy there tho' that could be better applied. Better world etc.
16 years ago
Thank you, that was rather harsh. But I refrained from responding. BTW, "immersive experience" refers to a type of learning and is the
16 years ago
reason so many educators are using Second Life in the classroom.
16 years ago
templestark there are a lot more interesting things happening in SL than you might think. Business, medicine, education.
16 years ago
You're more than welcome to skip it tonight if you like; there will be plenty of other topics in the coming days and weeks.
16 years ago
i know i repeat my apology. in a foul mood and didn't realize the specific application of SL being discussed.
16 years ago
Sorry you're in a foul mood templestark. Would a dancing banana help? :-D Thanks for your apology and for keeping everything friendly.
16 years ago
(s_dance) (s_dance) (s_dance)I have a few to spare
16 years ago
I am so ready for this - gonna be interesting for sure
moo Money is
16 years ago
signed up.
GFK says
16 years ago
already on SL waiting..... :-)
moo Money says
16 years ago
it's in SL?
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
16 years ago
moomoney and girlfromkansas the discussion will be taking place here on plurk.
thePuck is
16 years ago
Tegala is
16 years ago
looking forward to learning about SL :-)
GFK says
16 years ago
ahhh man...guess I misread that somewhere :-(
16 years ago
SL is soooo neat Teeg
16 years ago
girlfromkansas I think Connie may be planning a follow up in SL itself at some point! Don't despair. :-)
16 years ago
remembers when it was getting started. I think I skipped it because I was in 2 MMORPGs at the time and wasn't sure about adding a third.
thePuck says
16 years ago
I am as well, Teeg. I have an account but have barely done anything with it
16 years ago
Here's the thread to join the Plurkshop:
Sloitkut thinks
16 years ago
yeah I know, when I joined I was like, I need another thing to keep up with lol
Tegala says
16 years ago
Sloitkut :-) That's what I've heard and seen. The pictures Connie posts look like so much fun! :-)
pfanderson is
16 years ago
wondering - is this it? I've been looking for the plurkshop and not finding ...
Tegala says
16 years ago
Sloikut LOL exactly! Now I'm regretting skipping it. :-)
Tegala says
16 years ago
(g_lol) I posted this thread for people to join, guess I'd better fix that! :-)
16 years ago
it is fun - I went to Mexico yesterday - right from my chair - how cool is that?
16 years ago
Head here to join the plurkshop:
16 years ago
uh oh Teeg - so will the Plurkshop be here or where?
16 years ago
got it
16 years ago
thanks ladies
Tegala thinks
16 years ago
that is awesome! I'm really looking forward to getting started with it. I might call on you for tips when i join if it's okay :-)
InertialVoom says
16 years ago
Hello I hope to learn important stuff, and share what I have learnd
16 years ago
Hi InertialVoom! Head here to join the discussion:
Joankr says
16 years ago
Connie, I had to miss it (my loss) to take care of son- but want to come to the inworld 'shop when you get it set up!
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