plurkshop is
16 years ago
starting in two minutes -- right here.
latest #409
kidmarmite is
16 years ago
checking in!~
16 years ago
We have some special guests tonight. kidmarmite, pfanderson and fleep. If they are all available.
16 years ago
Cool, kidmarmite is here!
16 years ago
I published the answers to the survey on the plurkshops blog:
16 years ago
Hi, rickwolff.
4byoung says
16 years ago
This is my first plurkshop. Is this the gathering spot?
LChamp says
16 years ago
i'll be here for a few minutes
16 years ago
Hey Connie - I played secretary and went and posted the link to this thread all over lol
thekidds says
16 years ago
16 years ago
Thank you, Amber. Was just trying to do that. :-)
thePuck says
16 years ago
here I am!
moo Money says
16 years ago
*checks in*
16 years ago
By way of introduction, kidmarmite is a fellow Plurk user and also on Twitter. And she has a blog called Grid Life about Second Life.
JurinJuran says
16 years ago
checking in too
16 years ago
Did I spell that right?
16 years ago
Connie you worry about here, I'll make sure folks find their way
Tegala is
16 years ago
present after posting the wrong thread link (s_LOL)
kidmarmite is
16 years ago
Kippie Friedkin in SL.
jimhutchinson is
16 years ago
kidmarmite is
16 years ago
Sure..did..perfect spelling! :-)
pfanderson says
16 years ago
is this it?
16 years ago
rickwolff, if you are on the Plurk page you will have to manually refresh. If you're in the timeline eading this, it should autorefresh.
pfanderson wonders
16 years ago
16 years ago
Welcome, pfanderson. You're in the right place.
GFK is
16 years ago
here and on SL :-)
16 years ago
I'm here, I'm here!
pfanderson thinks
16 years ago
16 years ago
pfanderson is another fellow Plurker and also on Twitter as the same name. Patricia Anderson is with the University of Michigan, I believe.
moo Money says
16 years ago
it doesn't seem to be autorefreshing the timeline.
thekidds says
16 years ago
mine is
16 years ago
She is Perplexity Peccable in Second Life.
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
hi there...lots of SL folks. Connie, great poll overview!
16 years ago
NOTE: Please bear with us. We tend to overwhelm Plurk at times. You will probably have to manually refresh.
Sloitkut is
16 years ago
here - Hi everyone
pfanderson is
16 years ago
Perplexity Peccable in SL
16 years ago
pfanderson We're practically neighbors. I work in Southfield, live in Warren! :-)
16 years ago
Again, I have posted the answers to the survey on the blog. It was a way for me to get out some facts about SL.
joyntheir is
16 years ago
here for the first time
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Teeg, I did the same thing
16 years ago
pfanderson works with higher education in Second Life and kidmarmite works on the technology side.
16 years ago
Why don't you two give us a bit of background on your involvement with Second Life?
pfanderson says
16 years ago
According to the promo, we are supposed to be talking about the value of immersive experience
16 years ago
doesn't feel quite so embarrassed then, pfanderson. :-)
ThoughtWrong says
16 years ago
hey all, I should be working but stopping in to see how the plurkshop is going (s_bye)
pfanderson says
16 years ago
is there anyone here who thinks that is a false concept? or questionable?
kidmarmite has
16 years ago
been active in SL for only about two years. I was offered a job as an interactive developer for a company who also offered SL services.
Tegala says
16 years ago
pfanderson thinks
16 years ago
she is talking to herself, or computer crashed ...
ThoughtWrong has
16 years ago
never used SL before
thekidds says
16 years ago
she hasn't either
moo Money says
16 years ago
I think the value you get out of SL is directly proportionate to what you put into SL
kidmarmite has
16 years ago
I build and script when called upon. I've worked with a few universities in various activities in-world.
16 years ago
pfanderson, you may have to manually refresh Plurk to see responses.
shepherd is
16 years ago
listening in...
yogacowgirls wonders
16 years ago
what pfanderson is teaching using sl
pfanderson is
16 years ago
My plurks weren't showingup - sorry. I switched to a new screen
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
pfanderson, I don't know enough about SL to know if immersion is a false concept. Obviously you don't think'd you get involved?
pfanderson is
16 years ago
I am Perplexity Peccable inSL
ThoughtWrong asks
16 years ago
is SL just like a second world? like an MMORPG or something?
4byoung says
16 years ago
I think VR has tremendous potential for education, training, meetings, events and building brands & thus wanted to learn more here.
16 years ago
I'm really curious about these virtual learning environments that universities are using.
kidmarmite has
16 years ago
I'm also working with another company on some Viewer improvement for Linden Lab.
16 years ago
pfanderson I've been on mmorpg's for years, watched children grow up there. Maybe not SL but still immersive. I don't question it's value.
pfanderson is
16 years ago
working in healthcare, academic support (higher ed),and consumer health
GFK says
16 years ago
i agree with moomoney
16 years ago
"Immersive experience" actually refers to a type of learning.
16 years ago
Finally, I'm also a Mentor and really love new and experienced users inworld. That's very rewarding.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
I got involved with SL basically because I was told to for work.
moo Money says
16 years ago
mentors in SL are a joke. Linden Lab doesn't monitor them anymore, so they threaten you and generally leave a bad taste in your mouth.
16 years ago
Second Life is a virtual world.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
I'm not a gamer, so it was a big surprise to me to find it so useful and engaging.
16 years ago
pfanderson, so the university made a decision to get in Second Life and that was part of your job?
Beth Harte asks
16 years ago
how do you get people/comps. to take SL seriously when avatars are used? (serious question) Curious as to how companies have embraced SL...
16 years ago
Hmm. Well, I guess I fall outside the norm for Mentors. I've never threatened anyone.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
I am also a single parent of a special needs kid with no car. SL has vastly improved m professional engagement and productivity.
Tegala says
16 years ago
Connie am I remembering wrong or is immersive experience basically hands on experience, similar to weightless room for astronauts?
moo Money says
16 years ago
Cisco has embraced it more than any other company. They regularly hold tech talks, commission machinima, and engage residents.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Connie, yes - UM moved into SL and I was part of support team.
16 years ago
pfanderson that's a really interesting use for it!
16 years ago
For companies and educators, SL is great for presentations, meetings, and events. It saves time and money.
16 years ago
agrres w/ pfanderson - I live in a very rural area where social networks or events are rare
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
pfanderson, that's great to hear!
16 years ago
can someone explain "machinima"?
InertialVoom says
16 years ago
hmm having problems responding here
pfanderson thinks
16 years ago
immersive does meanyou have to be there to understand. Can show, but not quite the same.
16 years ago
Immersive experience as a way of learning means involving as many of the five senses as possible during the learning experience.
moo Money says
16 years ago
machinima is movies made in a 3d gaming platform. I've worked in SL fulltime for 2 years making machinima.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
machinima = machine video
16 years ago
pfanderson I'm thrilled to hear how UM has embraced SL!
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
how does Cisco use it for tech talks? I would assume all people involved have SL accounts...amazing.
InertialVoom says
16 years ago
16 years ago
IBM built their own metaverse in order to conduct employee training - no travel expenses.
moo Money says
16 years ago
yep :-) I've been commissioned to do projects for Cisco, Linden Lab, American Cancer Society, Manpower, and many others. I also blog it.
16 years ago
Companies like Cisco and Sun actually require employees to create an SL account as part of their orientation.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
UM is only one of manyuniversities in SL
4byoung asks
16 years ago
Can an event manager record an event on SL that can be viewed later by people who did not attend?
16 years ago
what's the advantage of something like SL over say, a webinar or video conf?
InertialVoom says
16 years ago
hmm Cisco has there own platform Does Cisco have an entry into SL?
GFK says
16 years ago
yes you can have a job in SL
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
I still can't get over the fact that cos. like IBM/Cisco allow employees to go create SL avatars. How do they keep track of 2 names (wrk/SL)
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Cisco is very much in SL - they sponsor evvents
16 years ago
Amber, the "immersive" aspect of SL makes the meetings have more of an impact. Hard to explain until you've been in one.
moo Money says
16 years ago
Cisco has an orientation area with skins and different types of outfits so they're better off than most companies entering SL
16 years ago
Most often, larger corporations can have a special last name created for their company and will manage the registration process of employees
Beth Harte asks
16 years ago
what's the easiest way for someone to immerse themselves in SL? After downloading S/W & setting up a name.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
that makes a lot of sense
16 years ago
that's really something.
moo Money says
16 years ago
bethharte SL is what you make of it. It really depends on what you're into as to what area you'll immerse yourself in.
16 years ago
All Dell employees who are in SL have Dell as a last name. Pyrrha Dell is Laura Thomas, who started their SL initiative.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
betharte I committed to 15 minutes a day
Beth Harte asks
16 years ago
moomoney for examples...For example, I like historical fiction & movies. Is there something on SL for me? Or would I need to create it?
moo Money says
16 years ago
To be truthful, most of you won't make it past orientation. You'll have a hard time mastering it, won't know where to go, & stop logging in.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
made all the difference in getting engaged andlearning teh ropes
16 years ago
Plurk is updating very slowly tonight ... thanks for being patient, everyone.
Sloitkut thinks
16 years ago
SL experience is a personal journey not the same experience for everyone
InertialVoom says
16 years ago
Wow I wonder if my government Org knows about Cisco in SL
pfanderson says
16 years ago
there is a lot of different types of content, but finding it is tricky - helps to have a mentor
moo Money says
16 years ago
bethharte there's a community for everyone. you just have to find it and then you'll be fine.
InertialVoom says
16 years ago
Oh that piece of info, makes this worthwhile.
GFK says
16 years ago
it helps if you have a friend that can meet you there and show you the ropes
TheDiva says
16 years ago
Hi! Just poppin in for a moment! *waves*
pfanderson says
16 years ago
rickwolff Oh, lord, Rick, it is SOOO much work for me! So many possibilities
Beth Harte asks
16 years ago
how does one find a mentor, or is one assigned? If info is tricky to find, does that turn people off?
Connie says
16 years ago
It helps to have someone show you the ropes in SL. SusanReynolds invited me to her place in SL and tutored me.
moo Money says
16 years ago
rickwolff when you have 700 friends, there's never an off button. you have to go in busy mode to get anything done. it's distracting.
16 years ago's not always easy to find a Mentor. They sometimes hang out on Orientation and Help Islands.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
I manage our library, help build exhibits, collect freebies, do training, support faculty with questions, etc
16 years ago
If anyone in attendance tonight needs help in SL, I'm always happy to answer questions whenever I'm online.
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
rickwolff, that's what I was thinking from a corp perspective: lack of credibilty. But that doesn't seem true...
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Connie, I do a lot of helping folk, and I know folks who do.
moo Money says
16 years ago
girlfromkansas I've stopped showing friends around because I'll spend 10 bucks on them, help them, then send them off. they never come back
GFK says
16 years ago
Connie I had a friend do the same... I don't know if I would know all I do if it wasn't for them
16 years ago
BethHarte, Connie has really helped get me acquainted
pfanderson says
16 years ago
also go to ISTE, join a group
Sloitkut thinks
16 years ago
you could find one within your own social circle if you ask
16 years ago
I have offered to help "plurkshops" in SL for those who want help learning about it.
4byoung says
16 years ago
Will anyone be attending the SL Higher Ed meeting in Tampa in September? I'm in Tampa & have connections to USF & would love to meet up.
livepath asks
16 years ago
The first time I logged on to SL, I was chased down the street by a nude guy avatar!
pfanderson says
16 years ago
I have a couple slideshows in Slideshare on how to get started
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
a Court of Louis XIV simulation?? Really? I would have loved that.
GFK says
16 years ago
moomoney....i understand that...there are lots of free things on SL though
pfanderson says
16 years ago
livepath the worst things can happen to new folk
livepath asks
16 years ago
I wanetd to get really involved but it took a lot of time to find my way. It was a bit confusing.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
griefers (the bad guys) target new folk who don't know how to defend themselves
GFK says
16 years ago
YouTube is a great place to become oriented with SL
16 years ago
livepath The same thing happened to me when I first logged in. Took me a while to get over that scare!
moo Money says
16 years ago
girlfromkansas it's not even the money. it's the fact that they expect you to be there for them 24/7 and won't make their own friends.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
girlfromkansas I collect freebies for our faculty, and make them available to our community
livepath asks
16 years ago
I'm an expert in usability and know enough to know that things aren't always intuitive or usable... but they must be LEARNABLE.
livepath asks
16 years ago
And have enough exposure to communities to know that the naked stalkers are usually the exception, not the rule. LOL
ρђαуℓєn ❥ is
16 years ago
listening closely :-)
moo Money says
16 years ago
pfanderson you know nothing about griefers. they target stupidity and blingtards, not newbies.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
I tell folks it is like growing up in RL when we have a parent say "bad part of town". Forcomfort in SL, we need that "parent" to guide us
16 years ago
A good way to get introduced to the best aspects of SL is to attend events there -- like BlogHer, Relay for Life, Nonprofit Commons
GFK says
16 years ago
moomoney...too of the first things I did was join a group...that helped make friends
pfanderson says
16 years ago
moomoney lots of griefers hang out at the Welcome zones for new folk. I *know*
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Connie there is a HUGE healthcare support group community in SL for folks with healthneeds
moo Money says
16 years ago
pfanderson the reason they hang out in welcome zones is because the blingtards get used to SL and never leave the area. I'm W-Hat myself.
16 years ago
Connie, I'd love to attend events but admit to not knowing how to find them and get there. Suggestions?
pfanderson says
16 years ago
tons of good folks there to help others. Dreams, Ability Commons, Healthinfo Island, Virtual Abilities, Accessibility Island
ghbrett says
16 years ago
just wanted to be 172 in the list. Waves to Plurkshoppers. Is it a Blue Light Special tonight?
pfanderson says
16 years ago
AmberCadabra Fleep has the best calendar of educational events
InertialVoom says
16 years ago
Yes, mentoring realy helps. SL very similar to real world wth good and bad places
16 years ago
pfanderson - yes, SL is great for having support groups. I was on a panel in SL recently with group who works specifically w/ disabilities
16 years ago
pfanderson thanks, but I literally mean how to *get* there LOL
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
rickwolff, I know what a simulation is...thanks! ;-) I just want to see it in action! Amazing.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Lots of great live music- I attend classical music concerts on Music Island (Sea Turtle) every Saturday
16 years ago
Fleep wanted to be here tonight, but I'm not sure she's ever been on Plurk.
livepath asks
16 years ago
Perhaps there should be SL "paid" greeters... it works for retail - why not SL?
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Amber, you might needa Map tutorial. Look meup in world sometime?
moo Money says
16 years ago
livepath because a lot of companies stopped coming into SL when the negative backlash hit. business is down bigtime too.
16 years ago
I like SL but i never really had time to devote to it.
16 years ago
It helps to do a bit of research before trying SL -- find out where good events, concerts are. Many blogs about them.
InertialVoom says
16 years ago
You need a decent PC or Mac.and High Speed Internet prefeably cable.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
livepath they do have paid greeters, but not enough of them, and not enough clout for those that are there.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Connie is right - many excellent blogs and SL tourist publications toshow folks better quality events
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
blingtards? griefers? So, there are actual "bad folks" that go hang out on SL? They suck IRL so they go cause damage in a fake life too?
16 years ago
Some companies initially made the mistake of getting into SL for marketing purposes only. The ones who stay learn how to build communities.
Sloitkut says
16 years ago
yes, getting started can be tricky - do the research and try things
pfanderson says
16 years ago
I have the link for Fleep's calendar of events, and will post it here after the event
16 years ago
kidmarmite: your cheat sheet looks helpful.
livepath asks
16 years ago
Well, I think naked guy was trying to be friendly... and it did teach me how to run pretty quickly! LOL
16 years ago
Virtual worlds, Internet forums, real life -- people are people, good and bad.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Rick, I've seen some of that - companies that didn't get it, and refused advice or involvement from community. Oops.
Tegala says
16 years ago
bethharte LOL they're on socnets, so why not SL too. I wonder if they're as bad as SU's trolls and send people death threats?
moo Money says
16 years ago
bethharte griefers are people out to cause trouble and blingtards are people with big hair, ridiculous bodies, and glowing attachments
16 years ago
jlamos Thanks! I'm working on an update to the cheatsheet and will also be working with some peeps on translated versions!
livepath asks
16 years ago
Is there a published SL dictionary for all these words? (Blingtard, etc.). I like that word. I might apply it outside of SL...
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
livepath, how did you learn how to run?? Keyboard? ->>>> (s_LOL)
pfanderson says
16 years ago
we put a lot of out tutorials for SL and tip sheets in our wiki and blog
livepath asks
16 years ago
to folks like Paris Hilton!
pfanderson shares
16 years ago
livepath asks
16 years ago
bethharte. Alas, I have forgotten!
pfanderson says
16 years ago
pknit sounds lovely! I foudn one knitting shop ...
InertialVoom shares
16 years ago
Strange, Plurk seems to not display,and refresh gets me away from my earlier displayed messages
Tegala wonders
16 years ago
if she missed the link to kidmarmite's cheat sheet somewhere?
moo Money says
16 years ago
TheSockKnitter It's a discussion on immersion in a massively multiplayer online social world
pfanderson says
16 years ago
TheSockKnitter this isa forum about Second life and virtual worlds - do they have value?
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
teeg, I didn't think about it that true! Thanks moomoney, blingtards don't sound so bad...just cheesy! ;-)
16 years ago
Thanks for the links, pfanderson. I take it "slum" is for Second Life University of Michigan ?
GFK says
16 years ago
i'm attending a live concert right now while in the plurkshop...
GFK says
16 years ago
i'm attending a live concert right now while in the plurkshop...
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Teeg I also missed the link - maybe kidmarmite will repost? :-)
16 years ago
kidmarmite: Very nice. I'll keep an eye out.
moo Money says
16 years ago
bethharte they're not bad people. they're just easy to make fun of! ;-)
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Connie - that's Right!SLUM = Second Life University of Michigan
pfanderson says
16 years ago
that was before SL changed the rules - not sure what to do, since it is in all our URLs :-(
16 years ago
pfanderson does UM hold classes in SL?
16 years ago
Here's the link to my blog w/ the cheatsheet:
16 years ago
kidmarmite I missed link to cheat sheet as well. Will repost these links to plurkshops blog tomorrow.
InertialVoom shares
16 years ago
This appears to be a great discssion. For those who have a decent (fairly new computer) with good graphics a High Speed Internet, please
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Oh! Yes - I saw that and didn't click through. Thanks kidmarmite!
livepath asks
16 years ago
kidmarmite that's purdy handy there. Thanks!
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
so what other value does SL offer? Does anyone know more about classes? I would suspect that Yale charges...
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Connie, yes we have some classes in SL
16 years ago
My pleasure :-)
Tegala says
16 years ago
kidmarmite Thanks for reposting it! Bookmarking for use later :-)
InertialVoom shares
16 years ago
think about trying out, it will blow your mind.
moo Money says
16 years ago
This is the greatest freebie review site ever:
16 years ago
The cheat sheet:
pfanderson says
16 years ago
We have an Italian faculty who uses SL for language immersion experiences for his students, and they blog about it
InertialVoom shares
16 years ago
I must get some sleep you guys have fun. Be
InertialVoom shares
16 years ago
I must get some sleep you guys have fun. Bye
pfanderson says
16 years ago
moomoney thx! I alsosearch for items at $0L in onrez or SLExchange
livepath asks
16 years ago
pfanderson that is a great idea.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
I will definitely check out the one you recommend!
16 years ago
Beth, answers to survey show other uses: classes, training, virtual trade shows, job fairs for hiring, support groups ... limitless.
16 years ago
I have worked with a university's nursing program. They are going to use SL as a way to train nursing students.
Sloitkut says
16 years ago
I just participated in a SL class this morning about Facebook
16 years ago
They plan to do a lot of role playing and scenario training with students as well.
Tegala says
16 years ago
InertialVoom Thanks for coming! :-)
pfanderson says
16 years ago
livepath I know lots ofteachers in SL. The biggest association is ISTE - International Society for Technology in Education - great events.
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
Connie, do you know how many companies actually use SL for those things? Or is it mainly very techie companies?
moo Money says
16 years ago
I find teaching machinima on the teen grid to be rewarding. I feel like a mentor to them. :-)
16 years ago
There is a lot of entertainment in second life -- live music and concerts. That is part of the immersive experience -- being there.
Dirk Talamasca thinks
16 years ago
Plurk is like the Orientation Island of online chat.
DebInBoston says
16 years ago
following this from a mobile is a little nuts. will jump on from home.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
there are many groups that offer free SL skills training classes - NCI is one
pfanderson says
16 years ago
bethharte I think it is mostly tech & marketing and popular companies right now, but starting to branch out
pfanderson says
16 years ago
dirk LOL. Yeah - makes me tired.
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
I guess my disconnect is that it looks more fun than actually useful in my daily life. I guess I need to experience it first hand.
16 years ago
moomoney points out there is a Teen Grid for ages 13-18; Second Life is for adults.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
kidmarmite I am interested in the nursing class. You know JS Vavoom, right?
moo Money says
16 years ago
bethharte the nonprofit scene in SL is getting HUGE. it's a cheaper alternative to doing projects IRL.
16 years ago
B2C companies -- Coke, Toyota, etc. are more likely to be there than B2B
livepath asks
16 years ago
dirk yah. But no meditating hippos
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Bethharte I do have some fun, but for me it is mostly work and service to others.
livepath says
16 years ago
Wow connie that's a pretty bold statement. Is that based on observation or stats? (If so would like 2 see research!)
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Connie MooMoney I know there are some great places and communities on Teen Grid, but there are some really awful ones also.
16 years ago
Travel and tourism companies also on Second Life a lot.
moo Money says
16 years ago
rickwolff I know people from all walks of life in SL. Cancer survivors, grandmothers, great grandmothers, teens fresh out of HS.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Connie what is B2B?
16 years ago
pfanderson No, I don't know JS Vavoom? More info?
pfanderson says
16 years ago
I've seen lots of atheletic companies and orgs also.
livepath says
16 years ago
connie I think I read that completely wrong. Sleep deprivation. Sorry.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
kidmarmite JS Vavoom has built an emergency room simulator for teaching nursing students - it will blow your mind!!
JurinJuran thinks
16 years ago
i'm old as dirt, but not too old for SL rickwolff
16 years ago
Sorry Plurk is taking forever for me grrrr B2B = business to business, B2C = business to consumer
16 years ago
pfanderson That's awesome. I need to check that out!
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
B2B is business-to-business companies
pfanderson says
16 years ago
kidmarmite I will sendyou pics later
16 years ago
pfanderson Thanks!
pfanderson says
16 years ago
4byoung asks
16 years ago
pfanderson Are the nurses training for things like a pandemic bird flue crises that would be hard to in "real" life?
pfanderson says
16 years ago
regarding age, the SL metrics are VERY interesting and surprising
moo Money says
16 years ago
connie I look forward to following up this chat with one at Social Media Camp on Wednesday
pfanderson says
16 years ago
4byoung U-Idaho has built a pandemic response simulation in SL, and crisis response - again wonderful!
16 years ago
3D simulation is wave of the future for training -- nurses, medical students, even truck drivers (see plurkshops blog)
pfanderson says
16 years ago
re metrics, most avatars are from young folk (<30), but most hours spent in SL are from 'old folk' (>45)
16 years ago
moomoney - great, looking forward to Social Media Camp on Wednesday.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
the over 45 crowd averages ~60 hours a week,while under 30s average ~12
4byoung says
16 years ago
I looked up the link for the SL Higher Ed mtg in Sept on Fleep's site -
pfanderson thinks
16 years ago
this is because of accessibility for the homebound and persons with disabilities -they practically live in SL, skew results
Dirk Talamasca says
16 years ago
Hmmm this one time at social media camp....
16 years ago
The median age of users is early 30s -- not as young as some people think. When it comes to nonprofits, the age is much older.
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
pfanderson, that is so cool! A pandemic response simulation...Wow, that could be used for disasters to prepare.
pfanderson shares
16 years ago - a wiki collecting health groups in SL
4byoung says
16 years ago
pfanderson Thanks! Will look that up. I think Soc Media & VR have great potential in helping companies w-Bus Continuity issues in a crisis.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
bethharte it really is wonderful - very detailed. I have pics of that in my Flickr acct also
pfanderson says
16 years ago
another interesting health location in SL is a giant anatomical / physiology model - the Giant Testis. Really :-)
livepath asks
16 years ago
Do World Vision or Habitat for Humanity have a presence in SL?
16 years ago
One of the reasons I'm involved in SL is because of trends. I'm learning now to be ahead of the curve as the Web continues to move toward 3D
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
I think I need to dust off Grainne Finesmith and get her to the Court of Louis XIV (while avoiding naked people!) (woot)
pfanderson says
16 years ago
there are Genomics training labs, Edgar Allen Poe short story replicas, historical immersion experiences - fascinating stuff
pfanderson says
16 years ago
livepath I'm not sure about Habitat for Humanity. I think they are.
16 years ago
Connie That is a smart move. This really is the future of web.
16 years ago
There is so much to do/see in SL, it's hard to know where to start, so links shared by people you trust - like pfanderson & kidmarmite
pfanderson says
16 years ago
there is a lot of architecture modeling going onin SL, especially or usability testing of designs before building
16 years ago
are valuable.
DebInBoston says
16 years ago
I am interested to see how travel companies use SL.
16 years ago
Very much the future of web -- and ecommerce. Think Webkins.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Connie kidmarmite virtual worlds ARE the future - many children'sonline "games" are really virtual worlds
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
Connie, it would be nice to be a head of the curve for once! Thank you so much for teaching me about SL. I will def. need to check it out!
16 years ago
BethHarte I bet Connie would let you hang out at her place like she has me. ;-)
16 years ago
BTW, the correct survey answer is that ppl spend $1.5 billion on virtual goods.
4byoung asks
16 years ago
Has anyone tried Rocketon? An avatar that can 'travel' w-you around the web & potentially interact at any web site?
Dirk Talamasca says
16 years ago
bethharte NOAA has been doing emergency weather simulations in SL for some time. You can see videos on YouTube.
Tegala says
16 years ago
perhaps this is a silly question but why do so many people seem to have a different SL name compared to their usual SM name?
pfanderson says
16 years ago
one of our pharmacy faculty say if we don't populate virtual worlds with quality folk/content, what will our children find there?
16 years ago
Sorry folks, I have to run. Work calls before I call it a night!
16 years ago
Sorry folks, I have to run. Work calls before I call it a night!
16 years ago
Analysts predict that by 2011, 80% of Internet users will have avatars and be active in virtual worlds.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
dirk yes, the NOAA is very active in SL, also NASA
Sloitkut wishes
16 years ago
SLurls of all these places in the transcripts - pretty please
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
Amber, I need to download the S/W first... ;-) Then I'll ask Connie for an invite to a BBQ. (s_LOL)
16 years ago
Oops...apologies for the double post!
16 years ago
kidmarmite Thank you SO MUCH for being here and helping.
16 years ago
No, rickwolff, that is in US$
16 years ago
Thank you for inviting me, Connie!
pfanderson says
16 years ago
sloitkut good point - I'll try to add some
Tegala says
16 years ago
kidmarmite Thanks for coming! A lot of information tonight! :-)
16 years ago
Teeg right now Linden Lab controls SL names. So you have to choose one of their last names.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
there is a wiki that collects SLURLs for educational locations
16 years ago
As I said before, anyone is welcome to contact me inworld, just look up Kippie Friedkin. Or find me on Plurk, Twitter, or blog :-)
livepath asks
16 years ago
connie thanks for doing this. I have to hop... looking forward to the summary! Thanks pfanderson and kidmarmite
pfanderson says
16 years ago
kidmarmite I'll definitely look you up - nice to meet you!
16 years ago
AS someone said earlier, large companies can get custom last names from Linden Labs. Like Dell
pfanderson says
16 years ago
in SL I am Perplexity Peccable
DebInBoston says
16 years ago
thanks everyone! I am sorry I missed this, but will read the thread! And look forward to the recap!
pfanderson says
16 years ago
thanks to all who came- what a wild game!
16 years ago
I am Reece Llewellyn in Second Life.
Beth Harte shares
16 years ago
NOAA's Virtual Island
Sloitkut wants
16 years ago
to help any newbies in SL I am Sloitkut Maynard
moo Money says
16 years ago
I have to go, but I'm moo Money and Money Moo in SL. I hope you guys will give SL a real chance because it's an amazing platform.
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
I am Grainne Finesmith (once I get out there and find my way around)
16 years ago
Thanks moomoney and livepath for joining us. Appreciate your input.
16 years ago
pfanderson - this is actually "slow" for a plurkshop. 350 responses in one hour.
16 years ago
Plurk is lagging like Second Life tonight. :-D
DebInBoston says
16 years ago
thanks for sharing the NOAA thing Beth! They are based in Boulder and I have done a couple of projects with them! I love that place~
16 years ago
bethharte LMAO! I'm Audra Finesmith. I guess we're related. :-)
Sloitkut wants
16 years ago
to say thank you and looks forward to meeting new friends in world
16 years ago
connie yep plurk is making it difficult tonight
16 years ago
And if anybody is interested in having a plurkshop IN Second Life, leave a message for me on the blog.
16 years ago
Sloitkut, thanks so much for joining us.
4byoung says
16 years ago
I am Widbee Finesmith and a Newbie and not ashamed to say I just got the SL for Dummies book.
Tegala says
16 years ago
livepath and moomoney Thanks for coming! Realizing how much I'm going to have to learn, but it sounds exciting. :-)
16 years ago
Special thanks again to pfanderson and kidmarmite for staying up late to share their knowledge with us.
16 years ago
It's very exciting to me to learn more about what they are doing in Second Life.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
4byoung Go for it! I've heard good things about it, especially if you don't have a personal mentor
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
4byoung, does that make us related?! I am Grainne Finesmith.
pfanderson says
16 years ago
Teeg 15 minutes a day can really make it so much easier ...
Tegala says
16 years ago
Connie, I definitely am interested in a Plurkshop there...just as soon as I get a character set up :-)
16 years ago
BTW, pfanderson is the one who designed the lovely peapod party dress I wore in Second Life last weekend.
16 years ago
Connie thanks for doing this one, and thanks to the guests too! Great information.
Dirk Talamasca
16 years ago
screams and runs out of the building
Tegala says
16 years ago
pfanderson that sounds like a good way of doing it! Thanks! :-)
pfanderson says
16 years ago
bethharte 4byoung In Caledon, you would greet each other as cousins or cuz :-) I have a Cousin Peccablewho is a wild pig and very literate
pfanderson thinks
16 years ago
we scared Dirk :'-(
Connie says
16 years ago
I have not met any of my Llewellyn cousins yet.
4byoung says
16 years ago
bethharte Maybe. You can see if you want me as a relative after you look at my avatar.
Connie thinks
16 years ago
it must not take much to scare Dirk. (woot)
Tegala says
16 years ago
Connie and pfanderson Thank you both so much! Now I'm looking forward to trying SL! :-)
16 years ago
Teeg, so glad to hear that. And now you have people who are willing to help you with the learning curve - and make it fun.
JurinJuran hopes
16 years ago
everyone in this plurkshop gives SL a try if they aren't already there.
4byoung says
16 years ago
This has been a wonderful plurkshop and shows the value of Plurk. Thanks for the great info and links.
16 years ago
Reminder: the survey answers are now live on
pfanderson thinks
16 years ago
LOL. And off to bed for me ... wow. Great event, Connie! Thx fro invite!
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
I've hear Audra Finesmith is a troublemaker on Sl too! ;-) Must run in the family! (s_LOL)
Dirk Talamasca says
16 years ago
Desmond is my cuz.
Tegala thinks
16 years ago
that will definitely help, Connie! Knowing people who are already on a site can make a real difference in enjoyment levels. :-)
Beth Harte says
16 years ago
Thanks Connie and SL folks, this has been great! :-)
16 years ago
Goodnight, pfanderson. And many thanks for your insights.
16 years ago
Thank you to all who participated. I do hope you'll give SL a try. If you want to be involved in an in-world plurkshop, let me know.
4byoung says
16 years ago
Here's the link for Rocketon if anyone is interested.
16 years ago
You can leave a comment on the plurkshop blog with the survey answers.
16 years ago
bethharte hush with you. just cause you're jealous of my skates...
Tegala says
16 years ago
Good night and sweet dreams pfanderson. :-)
4byoung says
16 years ago
connie Do you think it would be hard for someone to participate if they are relatively new to SL?
16 years ago
I guess i'd better dl SL again.
16 years ago
Connie Thanks for the invite.
16 years ago
4byoung The in-world plurkshop will be especially helpful for newbies. A place to learn among friends.
16 years ago
Connie I am interested in the in-world workshop.
Sloitkut wants
16 years ago
Excellent idea Connie
16 years ago
Great! I will post an announcement here and on the blog when we have a time and place for in-world meeting.
DebInBoston says
16 years ago
that's great Connie! I would like that too!
JoeHobot says
16 years ago
DebinDenver me too! (s_cozy)
Joankr says
16 years ago
Sorry I had to miss this (getting son ready for surgery tomorrow) - I have a writersinthesky.blogspot... about writers & SL)
Joankr says
16 years ago
that's my blog - don't know how it got so messed up in previous plurk
Joankr says
16 years ago
looking forward to reading all the plurks at this plurkshop!
PFranklin wonders
16 years ago
where this will lead us
pfanderson shares
16 years ago - sorry the earlier link had typo
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