Ghaida says
15 years ago
"My Boss My Hero" a friend recommended this Japanese series to me, said it's funny yet refreshing.. will watch a bit of it and sleep..
latest #9
Ghaida says
15 years ago
sweet dreams.. and for those who did watch it.. tell me what you think ;-)
Ghaida says
15 years ago
I found you a link with an English subtitle..
15 years ago
nights.. ill watch it soon
15 years ago
goodnight & i'll take a look at it when i get home from work today
15 years ago
i rather enjoyed it , thanx for the link :-))
Ghaida says
15 years ago
you're welcome :-) I'm in the 9th episode.. it's so funny!! I liked it. it's been a very long time since last time I watched a Japanese drama
15 years ago
i think this would be the first that i've seen , and i'm hooked on it :-D
Ghaida says
15 years ago
woah.. really?! you won't regret it, Rio ;-) I just finished it and... I'm touched :|
15 years ago
well i'm half way there and really enjoying it , i should be finished with it today :-))
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