Cannot. My pass expiring soon. Hahah. Now, keep spamming my resume to companies' email.
oic, how to say, you hold student pass right?
then need to shift to working pass , right ?
If i got job, i can get employment pass and apply for PR
Singapore PR can stand for 2 years right?
For example, now you got a job in Singapore and you may apply for employment pass and PR as well, am i right ?
Once i was offered a secure job, a temporary employment pass will be issued. Then, you can only apply for PR
Singapore policy more flexible, you know my mum has married to Malaysia for 46 years, now still hold visa pass!Terrible!
Hahhaha, So your mom is Singaporean? Then, you can be Singaporean also?
My mum prefer to change to Malaysian, coz her family all in Malaysia.And i rather to be Malaysian too, hahaha 這里才是我們的根!