scrivener is
16 years ago
super super super super super super close to finishing the final draft of his master's thesis. (s_sick)
latest #11
scrivener says
16 years ago
It's done. Now I submit to my prof. for one last review before binding.
scrivener says
16 years ago
I need to find me a large binder-clip.
scrivener says
16 years ago
I predicted a year ago this would be an 80-pager. Final count: 72 pages.
scrivener says
16 years ago
Oops. Make that 74. But only about 43 of them are expository. I have HUGE tables.
scrivener says
16 years ago
Hm. I only needed a small binder clip. That's kinda disappointing.
Kalei says
16 years ago
Congratulations! Woo Hoo! Party at scrivener 's house!
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