15 years ago
the sigma looks really tempting.
latest #34
15 years ago
Sigma what? U poison deep deep liao
15 years ago
...i oso say. poison deep deep deep.
15 years ago
Shot through the heart.
rachelteo☠ asks
15 years ago
How muchi?
15 years ago
700+ *gasp*
15 years ago
ahtiong73: u are constantly surrounded by hot stewardess... how to compare??!!
rachelteo☠ says
15 years ago
Brotaarrr... The price almost same as the sigma I was looking at!
15 years ago
ahtiong73: they wear srubs nowadays. fugly!
15 years ago
rachelteo: BUY!!!!
15 years ago
Nurse's uniform no more?
15 years ago
TK_: they prefer to wear srubs nowadays
15 years ago
damn them
Nerak says
15 years ago
you are so dead....
rachelteo☠ says
15 years ago
brotarr u got the price from which shop?
15 years ago
check out alanphoto or ms color... std pricing. but hor, HK cheaper by about 200!! u got fren going there or not??
rachelteo☠ says
15 years ago
HK sure cheap but the warranty i dunno isit valid in SG. when u ask alan photo did u ask if price is included of GST?
Nerak says
15 years ago
think it could be grey set
15 years ago
nerak: HK one confirm grey set la..
15 years ago
rachelteo: i think is 750 w gst... bleh. not cheap.
Nick Lee
15 years ago
Nick Lee
15 years ago
which lens? 30 f1.4?
15 years ago
Nick_Lee: yeah man
15 years ago
twoen> 30 quite near leh
15 years ago
ok for dinner table
15 years ago
ok for closeups
15 years ago
but its really kinda in your face
15 years ago
no way the person you are taking would not see your cam
15 years ago
my cam crop factor is 2 leh, so equi to 60mm... somemore i wanna do more potraits so 30mm should be befitting!
ಠ_ಠ ravenelle
15 years ago
so fast poison travel so deep
15 years ago
seekee: i oso say.
15 years ago
seekee: btw... happy belated b-day!
ಠ_ಠ ravenelle
15 years ago
thanks dr! :-D
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