Cyborgtyrant has
16 years ago
had tea, and can't be biffed with the DOS tutorial
latest #7
Peppery asks
16 years ago
why are you doing a DOS tutorial?
16 years ago
Just skip the lessons and do the test (and do poorly on it.) :-P
yum9me says
16 years ago
Peppery, Cyborgtyrant is doing the Polytech course like me. We are doing Operation Systems and learning about DOS, followed by Linux.
Peppery says
16 years ago
Aha! Right.
Peppery says
16 years ago
Aha! Right.
yum9me is
16 years ago
annoyed by the double post bug X-(
ForgeAus says
16 years ago
> C:\DOS --- C:> RUN DOS --- C:> RUN DOS RUN!
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