Rishil thinks
16 years ago
plurk is just a pretty version of twitter. :-&
latest #10
andrewburnett wishes
16 years ago
that the add friends functions would actually work. seem to think passwords are wrong if different to plurk pw.
Rishil says
16 years ago
lol - its friend capability isnt great - they should allow you to search for people manually. (LOL)
andrewburnett says
16 years ago
it DOES look much nicer than twitter though, thanks for letting me know about this :-)
MarketingMag says
16 years ago
Agreed it looks better than Twitter, but I've had problems with the add friends function too. Unsure about the timeline as navigation atm
andrewburnett says
16 years ago
I quite like the timeline, but isn't the primordial soup at the left and mankind at the right normally? Seems backward...
16 years ago
... or perhaps as we all descend into ever shorter micro-blogging outbursts, we're starting to communicate in more primordial ways?
andrewburnett says
16 years ago
YES! next will come a twitter for monosyllabic posts only, ultimately there will only be single character posts.
Rishil says
16 years ago
in that case my responses to good morning will be "ugh"
16 years ago
I'll see your "ugh" and raise you a "ngh"
16 years ago
offers a whimpering "eurrgghh"
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