simplycharis says
15 years ago
planning to slowly turn vegetarian! Cutting down on meat!
latest #13
veggiebun says
15 years ago
veggiebun says
15 years ago
simplycharis says
15 years ago
haha yeah so cruel! But i gonna be a seafood vegetarian because i need protein from fish.. but i don't eat seafood so its okay :-D
veggiebun says
15 years ago
means pescetarian lah
veggiebun says
15 years ago
hehehe.. like joey
veggiebun says
15 years ago
but then it is not true that you need protein from fish.. in case you really think so
simplycharis says
15 years ago
haha i know not much protein come from there lah, i just like fish :-D
veggiebun says
15 years ago
hehe.. i also think maybe i will be vegetarian that eats chicken hahahaaha
veggiebun says
15 years ago
joking lah..
veggiebun says
15 years ago
but i really miss not eating chicken
simplycharis says
15 years ago
haha don't! I don't like chicken and prok anyway so i don't think i'll really feel very sad
simplycharis says
15 years ago
freeman1993 says
15 years ago
I love Porky :-)
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