Mrs. Winkle says
15 years ago
Good Night everyone! It's Ladies night at my house! And by ladies night, I mean SCRAPBOOK NIGHT!!! (dance)
latest #15
bronsont says
15 years ago
have a great time (wave)
15 years ago
I thought it meant free drinks ;-)
GrumpySoGrumpy says
15 years ago
(woot) I didn't know you scrapbook too! (dance)
WebBetty 
15 years ago
Woo hoo! I love to scrapbook! (woot)
HistoryGeek☮♫♪ says
15 years ago
MomofTweenager says
15 years ago
icats says
15 years ago
one of my favorite hobbies!!
icats says
15 years ago
i love looking back on the scrapbooks I did while Seth and I were doing long distance! Wouldnt trade them for anything
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