scrivener says
16 years ago
this is a test plurk from phone.
latest #9
spldrttngrl says
16 years ago
I see it :-)
scrivener is
16 years ago
still testing from phone. :-)
scrivener says
16 years ago
Well that's interesting. I couldn't post or reply from my phone a couple of weeks ago. Now it works fine.
scrivener says
16 years ago
if I were the sort to care about karma, this could be good for it.
spldrttngrl says
16 years ago
I hate trying to plurk from my blackberry
scrivener says
16 years ago
well, the biggest plurk drawback for me has been the inability to update from my phone. now i can, so maybe i'll like plurk more.
spldrttngrl says
16 years ago
they are supposed to come out with a mobile plurk aren't they?
scrivener says
16 years ago
they already have a mobile interface at , but it wasn't letting me post for some reason. works now.
spldrttngrl says
16 years ago
ok, I'll check it out thank you!
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