My nose was hit by a moving baseball last night; the ball was into the bright lighting that I failed to track it...
latest #11
mild bone fracture and few stitches; will recover soon with cheerful mind!
1. 原來鼻子撞斷的是你 2. 別擔心,我以前也用眼睛去接過棒球,但是現在依舊美麗可人
what I worry about I am not going to slide with head first for couple of games....base stealing may drop
1. 原來鼻子撞斷的是你 2.別擔心,現在整型技術這麼好,不管如何一定可以恢復你昔日俊俏 3. 有人很迷戀你,鼻子斷掉只會更加劇她對你的憐惜和愛意.
haha those couple stitches look awkward.....XD
1. 原來鼻子撞斷的是你 2.別擔心, 我國小時打躲避球也斷過鼻梁, 但還是呼吸正常地長大了 3. though the stitches look akward, you couple don't. that's all
1. 原來鼻子撞斷的是你爺~ 2. 我的朋友都好機車唷
ponglee: 就跟你說新聞系的碰不得 不然你問 isure0705
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