monkeycrab needs
15 years ago
new lots of new clothes for spring/summer. cash donations needed!
latest #10
15 years ago
would like to join in the donation request seeing as our wardrobe consists of jeans, tees and too-snug yogawear... and we has no paycheck.
monkeycrab wonders
15 years ago
how beakee can survive wearing jeans in hot humid sg... we always wear dresses to ermm maximise ventilation to all areas
веакее says
15 years ago
prob coz jeans can last longer between washes. also to preserve pasty white skin on lower extremities.
lagoon says
15 years ago
just wear yr bigini
15 years ago
(rofl), leopard prince bigini! So red, so loud, you know, like boomz.
веакее says
15 years ago
(annoyed) marshee is obsessed wif his new find.
15 years ago
lagoon says
15 years ago
can't blame marshed ... its kinda like a B-grade horror flick .. certain scenes keep replaying
веакее says
15 years ago
yah and he even found that clip to use as his ringtone! such devotion! (woot)
marshed is
15 years ago
appalled at teh direction his reputation is heading towards.
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