MisterZero is
15 years ago
eating his yearly allowance of McDonalds.
latest #11
MisterZero says
15 years ago
or was that yearly tolerance (LOL) Once a year...maybe XD
Herbert West
15 years ago
Weird, I'm being forced to get McDonalds for supper in a few minutes.
MisterZero says
15 years ago
it was nothing to write home or anywhere else about...but was after work and I was lazy...and Chik fil A was closed XD
Herbert West
15 years ago
I has a quarter pounder :-o
15 years ago
had chicken nuggets and fries
Herbert West
15 years ago
I dunt like the chicken :B
15 years ago
I like grilled chicken sandwich with no mayonnaise. It's not bad that way. XD
Herbert West
15 years ago
Actually I dont like any.
15 years ago
I think it's "tolerance" :-& The coffee drinks are ok...sometimes. Nothing else, though.
MisterZero says
15 years ago
most coffee drinks are too sweet and strong for me...*is coffee wimp*
15 years ago
The last one I had was a bit too sweet, but I can handle them most of the time.
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