lvincent shares
16 years ago
a frightening article in today's NY Times
latest #6
stefficus says
16 years ago
eek! and i'm about to learn to SCUBA dive.
Nunya☠B says
16 years ago
I just studied JF in Bio last semester. Yeah, makes sense. We need to use more fish farms but occasionally harvest from the ocean.
Nunya☠B says
16 years ago
and don't get me started on Global Warming! I'm adding wind and solar to my house to power, use well water with gray water recycling.
joanygee says
16 years ago
only certain species can tolerate being farmed...but they can still be affected by pollutants
heyalison says
16 years ago
Interesting example of imbalance, stay out of the water and work on that solar...
WayneJohn says
16 years ago
Beautiful jelly pic! Sad state of affairs for sure. thanks!
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