Lynn Ouachita
15 years ago
sings "This used to be our funhouse But now it's full of evil clowns It's time to start the countdown
latest #9
Who Is Darion?
15 years ago
Who Is Darion?
15 years ago
so far no answer (lmao)
Lynn Ouachita
15 years ago
Thats cause men Ive said too much and shall zip my lips. "Zipppppppppp" and toss away the key :-P
Who Is Darion?
15 years ago
Lynn Ouachita
15 years ago
Now off to cleaning before going to the school. Then back home to finish laundry, cook dinner, get a kid fed and in bed on time.
Lynn Ouachita
15 years ago
Sighs. My day never ends...but its all part of the real world :-)
Who Is Darion?
15 years ago
Who Is Darion?
15 years ago
oh u gotta fit in "make shelves for momma for fusion store" lol
15 years ago
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