What do you think went through James' mind when he came up with the name Winterbourne? I like it, I think it sounds classy, and entitled.
latest #12
and it fits the character, don't you think?
It also sounds very European, whereas a name like Daisy sounds very American...
I think it helped in projecting the differences between Daisy and Winterbourne...
American culture vs. European culture, progression vs. tradition...
i agree with matt. as daisy has said, W is very stiff. his name reflects this. as does daisy's who is lively and pretty.
...even though that's not her real name... which also probably has something to do with itt.
Out of curiosity I did some research (aka googling) and found Winterbourne's first name to be Frederick. But we all know he's no Freddy!
Flowers don't thrive in the winter. Connection?
a bourne is a stream that only flows in winter. It's also an archaic term for a boundary. Winter seems to double up on the meaning.
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