gapaulie says
15 years ago
sorry if I unfollowed a lot of people here. :-(
latest #12
its okay.
gapaulie says
15 years ago
yehes. I'm still following you fool.
15 years ago
Plurks getting cornier by the day. I'm just here for my classmates. Ako daw kasi nagpauso sa kanila ng plurk :-&
gloanne: me fool!?
gapaulie says
15 years ago
that's why I moved to twitter patte.
gapaulie says
15 years ago
yes. you fool mj. :-)
Viva La Drea
15 years ago
ahahhaha true. i just plurk because all my friends are here (minus you BOOHOOSADFACE)
gapaulie says
15 years ago
Twitter > Plurk. that's all I can say dre. :-D
Viva La Drea
15 years ago
twitter's also meh to me :/ i just like it because a lot of famous people i love use it :-D
gloanne: okay.
15 years ago
don't be...plurk is turd...
gapaulie says
15 years ago
amen bokgil. amen.
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