seldom see Christians among fans, haha
其實是不可以是fans吧, =] 你應該都是香港人吧?
Just depends on how crazy u are, I just treat him as one of my interests
just so long as u don't put him higher than God in ur priority, I think it's ok
I went to church when I was a very very small kid, I'm older than u, so 20+ yrs
我也是啊, 從小就回教會=] 也不是很大年紀, OK喇....
i am too a Christian a lot older than you two...
unforuntely, i am getting a bit too crazy on him these days.
對了, 你是跟我一起去綜夏夜之夢的goby嗎? P.S. 不知道有沒有寫錯
goodiesgoodies: haha, u're age is not true right?? how do u know u're older than me
yes, i am the one whom we went to the Taichung together.
(Strange i can't reply your amyh)...anyhow, i am heading this published age.
goodiesgoodies: everyone is heading towards the age... I dun believe u're 70sth...
so good for u guys to go together, I want to go to that event as well... was it good??
有好有不好吧, 不過整體還可以了 =] 下次有活動我們也可能一起去啊///
[i still can't reply to you both at all..weired]
winnie: yes - i am the one whom we share the same bungalow in Taichung, though we are not in the same room.
no, I haven't joined since I'm not in TW, and I think it's too crazy to go all the way to TW to see him in those activities
tho I want to... very much
哦, 就是你! 聽說你每一場的簽唱會都有參加, 真的瘋狂 =]'s that crazy woman.
I just strongly resisted my impulse, u got to be very rich to do that... I'm trying to save money
We too can't resisit the tempation from Joe.
example of God's good creation (He created a good looking guy), --> turning into temptation for us, hahahahahaha
amyhsk: 這樣又讓你說得過去, 那我們可以組一個基督徒的後援會了, 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
wong_winnie: haha, Christian fan club, hahaha, good idea
amyhsk: SURE! 對了, 你們都有msn和facebook嗎?
對啊, 我在想在哪裡開這個fans club, 我們現在好像有4個吧?
amyh: 贊成!!
對, 但我們要想想在哪裡開這個Christian fan club =]
是一個聊天區嗎?? 我們人少應該不會開一個forum吧, 不過可以在forum裡開一個group~
你們有facebook嗎? MSN嗎? 可以先加入這些 =]
I dun want to post here wor, so public
wong_winnie: 你加了我就delete了~
不是不是, 只是你的profile pic.有很多人, 我想看看你的樣子而已
哦,是呀, 覺得個人照不是那麼好看, 所以就擺了一張跟朋友一齊影的~ 哈哈哈
沒關係, 我們見面的時候幫你拍一張獨照, 保證一定漂亮!!!!!!!!!!!!
也不是, 只是還不錯了=] 可以試試看, 可能有意外驚喜
最快都要在5月底, 學期完了才會回來~~ 不過真的可以聚一聚
會呀, 因為堂家姐結婚~ 不過可能6月中就要走, 因為要讀summer...
一定記得要告訴我啊, 回家以後我就把你的MSN加入就可以互相聯絡啊=]
我們都會上來噗呀, 所以一定會聯絡~~
也可以了, 多了一個聊天的平台, 但MSN比較方便嗎=]
facebook, msn 什麼都可以, 不過我不是常常上msn~ 我的account都是一樣的, 你可以add我~
好吧 =] 對了! 你不是今天考試嗎? 怎麼會在這看到你?
我現在是夜晚了, 昨天說的考試今天已經考了, 美國是比香港慢13個小時~ 哈哈
哈, 是嗎? 對於時差我是很不敏感.. 那考得怎樣了..?
don't forget to add me too !!!
不是, 我的意思是我會一直有考試, 直到這個學期結束才會完~ =]
have u two added each other, so I can find Winnie's MSN by asking Esther?
amyh: Winnie havent add me r...
amyhsk: 我只add了esther的facebook, 你也有facebook嗎?
amyhsk: i don't have your msn, can't add.
EstherNg: i don't have your msn, can't add.
goodiesgoodies: I have added both Winnie and Esther, let me ask them for ur MSN
wong_winnie: I have sent a msg to u saying it's me, u didn't receive it?
可能回家就會看到, 我現在用的是meebo, 不是MSN
have u added goodiesgoodies? can u send me her MSN?
Winnie, I have added goodies la, u can delete her email from here, she may not want it here, it's so public, thanks a lot
amyh added me la