Bringing in color and textures from 3ds to mudbox and back to 3ds with textures applied.
1. Finish up a Basic model of your object.
- Add Modifier called "Unwrap UVW"
- Select the "Faces" selection tool.
- Select All the Faces by clicking a key called (CTR + A).
- Click the "Edit..." Tab.
3. Making the UV Map Flat.
-Make sure your all your faces all selected, if they are, they should be Red. (as shown below.)
- Now we must get the Map in the center box by clicking Mapping Tab.
- After you have clicked on the Mapping, Click ok, the Defalut settings are normaly good to go.
- Now your Faces should be flat, and you are now ready to Export your file as a (.OBJ)
- I recommend you save your file in 3ds Max first, and then export, incase you want to edit your object in the future.
- Export your file as a (.OBJ) & save your file in a place you will remember. (The Export Button can be found in File > Export.)
- A window will pop up when you click save, the defalut settings are fine.
5. You are now ready to Edit the colors and Textures in MudBox.
- Open "MudBox" and "Import" the File you wish to edit. ( Select "Import" NOT "Import UV".)
- I will not go over on how to use MudBox, but there are basic tutorials on the Auto-Desk website.
- Once your have finished your Textureing and Painting Right click on the Paint layer, while paint tool is selected, and Export.
This will save your UV image as a Layer with the paint, witch you can load in 3ds max.
6. Adding the Competed UV Paint back into 3ds Max.
- If you find the Image you have exported as a paint layer. You will notice it is a flat image of your paint texture.
- We are now ready to put this image back into 3ds max as texture.
- Open up 3ds Max and open your orginal file of the object.
- Go to the "Unwrap UVW" and click "Edit..."
- Now Select the "Checker Pattern" option, and Select "Pick Texture". and then Select Bitmap.
- Load your Image, and it should Fit on "PERFECTLY".
- Now Go to materials, make sure Arch & Design is selected, and select the squaure thats across from "Disfuse".
- Select Bitmap, and load in your image.
- Now Select the 2 Buttons that are shown in the Image and Apply your material.
7. Congratulations, you have Added Paint Texture to your object!
If you have any Questions or comments, check out my Plurks, it will be called
TUTORIAL: Bringing in color and textures from 3ds to mudbox and back to 3ds with textures applied.