WhatsThatSmell says
16 years ago
tornados were in town yesterday so we were stuck in the basement!
latest #13
WhatsThatSmell says
16 years ago
we didn't actually see any but we're in the middle of corn fields. A couple of towns over has been declared a disaster area.
WhatsThatSmell says
16 years ago
thank you. It was pretty scary, we just moved here and have never been this close to tornados.
WhatsThatSmell says
16 years ago
yeah, it was...I was shaking gathering everyone up and getting downstairs.
babybaby says
16 years ago
wow excellent work protecting the crew, captain mommy!
WhatsThatSmell says
16 years ago
thanks! I even remembered to get the carton of baby formula and it bring it down. My daughter is on prescription formula!
motherofconfusion says
16 years ago
Did you have internet connection in the basement?
WhatsThatSmell says
16 years ago
no we unplugged everything because the power was intermittent and didn't want problems with the equipment
motherofconfusion says
16 years ago
That's a long day1
WhatsThatSmell says
16 years ago
Yeah, we were up in the morning and early afternoon so it wasn't all day but with an 8 month old it felt like FOREVER!
av3ry says
16 years ago
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