I was going to fire up Simcity 4 tonight, but i'm still reading plurks.
latest #9
I like SimTower...It's really fun
simTower? I'm not familiar with that; must research
it's an old one. Came out around SimAnt after I think SimCity 1 or 2
i cant like anymore games, cuz Spore is coming out soon and it looks cool
omg SimAnt rules! I like SimFarm even more though
im new to Sim games, but i am definately hooked on SC4. i tried SC Societies first and was left wanting. SC4 is my kind of game
OMG I totally forgot about SimFarm...I wonder if I can get that for my MacBook
You are at least using the "Rush Hour" expansion pack, right? Makes the transportation aspect really interesting.
i love the traffic analysis tool
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