notla thinks
15 years ago
it's amazing that Ariel's play tickets were sold out in an hour.
latest #9
lyricalpTina says
15 years ago
really?!! that's cool!!!
lyricalpTina says
15 years ago
hope ArJoe are celebrating hehehe
Mymy613 says
15 years ago
wow! thats great! Ariel is surely happy... and so is Joe (dance)
Mymy613 asks
15 years ago
lyricalp - where will they celebrate? *winks* hahahaha
mitzzz says
15 years ago
great... (dance)
notla thinks
15 years ago
there'll be a 2nd round of plays in HK and I'll go again if there is.
lyricalpTina says
15 years ago
gatchie, oh of course IN BED. hahahahahaa I think perhaps they and Edward Lam will invite Mei and Joanne and jie :-)
lyricalpTina says
15 years ago
go eat in some fancy lounge restaurant hehehe
lyricalpTina says
15 years ago
that would be AWESOME, Joanne, if you could go more than once...
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