waltabbyworld wonders
14 years ago
if the oral tradition is based more on direct memory of the primary source or a "fill-in-the-blanks" type of interpretation.
waltabbyworld says
14 years ago
Does the content/the gist/the details/ the theme of the story belong more to the original speaker or the re-teller? whose ideas are whose?!
EmilyP1 says
14 years ago
With oral tradition the story is rarely written down, and I'm sure certain details get embellished, but the overall the gist stays the same.
EmilyP1 says
14 years ago
The use of placeholders makes it a bit easier for all the subsequent re-tellers, but things are bound to change due to human forgetfulness.
EmilyP1 says
14 years ago
Imagine trying to remember the whole Illiad! Oral tradition is a collaborative effort.