BuffySummers says
16 years ago
Its Buffy Comic Day. Did you get yours?
latest #10
hexican says
16 years ago
No, need to watch all seasons before I restart buying the comics.
beeg487 says
16 years ago
No, (s_angry)
Thing says
16 years ago
I need to subscribe. My local stores are a bit inconsistent to pick them up
selana says
16 years ago
we don't get them here in Germany - at least not in English and not all issues
Cassiopoeia is
16 years ago
2 months behind! Arrgh!
Valentine asks
16 years ago
Where can i get that ?
16 years ago
Caught up now . . . all I can say is wow. Didn't see that coming.
BuffySummers says
16 years ago
I thought the end was amazing. Started a plurk about it here www.plurk.com/p/2j9f2
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