AllenDunn shares
14 years ago
says, I got home Friday and look what I found.
latest #16
Thomashogfan says
14 years ago
mnicolem says
14 years ago
slabert says
14 years ago
JeffJ says
14 years ago
you found out that you have a dog that digs holes in your yard??? ;-)
14 years ago
I WANT ONEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! :-)
coke! says
14 years ago
what is it.. i looked on three diff computers and cant tell what that is in the hole
AllenDunn says
14 years ago
baby pups! They are free in 6 weeks. She had 5, 2 died. One died at birth and I think she smashed the other one. :-(
14 years ago
the momma dog smashed one of her pups?? :-o
AllenDunn says
14 years ago
yea. :-( but we have 3 left. If you want one, let me know! :-D
W0lfie says
14 years ago
Nope no more dogs, we got one that that is enough
AllenDunn says
14 years ago
come on Jim.. Every American family has to have atleast 2 dogs to be considered an American Family! :-D
W0lfie says
14 years ago
nope one is plenty
coke! says
14 years ago
I prefer cats.. they poop where they are supposed to and they don't require much attention
14 years ago
I want another dog...but with Chance (our dog) and Jim...I guess 2 is enough! (LOL)
W0lfie says
14 years ago
14 years ago
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