finally finish vectors. next week is transformers. omgggg =/
latest #17
transformer? HAHAHA. not th show mehs?
saw ting ting ... math lahx.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! We got learn before, is it? o.o
haha! maths lurr. Lol! learn before already ting! HAHA. my teacher say next week is rotation and one more thingy forget le
;o is it? i forgotten about it le. what's it about ah?
haha! nor! got the rotation and the stretching all these =D
OH, THAT ONE AH. LOL. my fav lehs. LOL.
one of the not nice one -.-
to renee: my faci tell me one! haha super siann sia. =/
to ting: LOL. not really my favourite =/
i like it XD that one easy mahx...
yah nors. i also like it
haha. for me still okok sia. x.x hope i can do it!
can de la. jiayous
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