16 years ago
flood at local electricity sub-station has been randomly killing the power in my neighbourhood all day (s_angry) seems to be stabilized now
latest #10
KristineS asks
16 years ago
why was there a flood?
16 years ago
Dunno. We've had loads of rain round here the last couple of days, but nothing that extreme.
16 years ago
Th GF works for the power company and called an engineer she knows to see what's going on, apparently their redirecting the electricity
16 years ago
to cirumvent the problem sub-station until they can fix it properly
16 years ago
but it's been a pain in the arse coz I haven't been able to get online all day since my router kept dropping out everytime the power died
KristineS says
16 years ago
that's really annoying. It's also odd that no one knows why it flooded.
16 years ago
I'm only getting the info 3rd hand, so not sure of all the details. Don't know if they left a window open or something (g_doh)
16 years ago
power's been stable for the last couple of hours, but apparently tht's a temp fix and they'll cut power to switch back to the permanent...
16 years ago
fix during the middle of the night when fewer people are likely to notice and complain about it
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